Well connected

An economically strong metropolitan region depends on transporting people and goods from A to B as efficiently as possible. The well-developed transport infrastructure in the Stuttgart region offers the best conditions for this. Important transport axes such as motorways, waterways and rail connections meet here. International metropolises can be reached quickly via the airport and the planned Stuttgart 21 railway junction. Transport is also well organized within the region: To ensure optimally functioning local public transport, the public players and private transport companies have come together under the umbrella of the Stuttgart Tariff and Transport Association (VVS). When it comes to digitalization, the Stuttgart region is also well connected. It is the first location in Germany to receive a large-scale fiber optic connection into the home.

Sustainable on the go

3 S-Bahn trains on tracks

Even with a small ecological footprint, you can get far in the Stuttgart region: Public transport in the Stuttgart region is coordinated and is supplemented by individual offers such as car sharing or bicycle rental systems. Embedded in programs such as the “Model region for sustainable mobility” new ideas for the mobility of the future are also being tested in the region.

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Freight logistics

©Pixabay Containers at the port

Logistics is the bloodstream of the economic system: it supplies industry, trade and households with raw materials and goods and ensures that the goods produced reach their destinations safely by land, air and water. With its location in the center of Europe and at the intersection of major transport routes, the Stuttgart region has the best conditions for efficient transport services.

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©Stuttgart Region Association Structure map of the Stuttgart region

Quickly and safely from A to B

An economically strong region depends on transporting people and goods from A to B as efficiently as possible. The well-developed transport infrastructure in the Stuttgart region offers good conditions for this.

The federal highways A 8 and A 81 intersect at the gates of the state capital and offer connections in all directions. The region is also served by a dense network of 3.500 kilometers of federal, state and district roads. 100 million people can be easily and quickly reached within a radius of 12 kilometers and even 200 million people within a radius of 21,5 kilometers

The backbone of the efficient public transport service is rail transport. The S-Bahn network alone comprises seven lines, is more than 200 kilometers long and serves over 80 stops. In addition, there are 15 lines of the Stuttgart Stadtbahn, several thousand bus stops throughout the region and special offers such as the Esslingen trolleybuses or the rack railway in Stuttgart, affectionately known as the “Zacke”. The cooperation of the various transport providers in the Stuttgart Transport and Tariff Association (VVS) ensures a seamless local transport system.

In the middle of Europe

A clear location advantage of the Stuttgart region is its location in the middle of Europe. Hamburg, Berlin, Vienna and Milan are about the same distance away and can be reached quickly.
It takes less than two hours by plane between Stuttgart and London, Barcelona, ​​Rome, Budapest or Copenhagen. With the ICE you can quickly get to Frankfurt, Cologne or Munich. And thanks to the direct TGV connection, the journey to Paris only takes three hours and 40 minutes. With the Stuttgart-Ulm railway project (“Stuttgart 21”) will further improve the integration of the Stuttgart region into the European high-speed network. As part of the rail project, the region will also become a pilot project for the “Stuttgart Digital Node”: Stuttgart will be the first region in Germany to be equipped with the latest digital train control technology (ETCS).

Stuttgart Airport is directly connected to the city via two of its own S-Bahn and one Stadtbahn lines. Several million passengers use the modern airport on the Filder in the immediate vicinity of the trade fair and the motorway. The airport offers direct connections to all economic centers in Germany, the most important European cities and overseas.

But the airport is not just an important hub for travelers: tens of thousands of tons of air freight are also handled here. And with the Neckar ports in Stuttgart and Plochingen, the Stuttgart region also has good access to the federal waterways.

©Stuttgart Airport Stuttgart Airport airplane

Free travel for fast data

©Adobe Stock / Volff Glass phase cable

Fiber optics and the future technology 5G are the basis for the digitalization of production, the development of digital business models as well as for innovative mobility services and autonomous driving. In order to ensure the future viability of the Stuttgart region, a cooperation agreement was concluded with Deutsche Telekom in May 2019: The Stuttgart region is the first location in Germany to receive large-scale fiber optics into the home.

As part of the extensive digitization program for the economy and society, all schools and commercial areas as well as half of households should have access to high-speed, fiber-optic-based gigabit internet by 2025. By 2030, 90 percent of households should be covered.
The project is coordinated by the broadband company founded in 2019 Gigabit Region Stuttgart GmbH together with the special purpose associations of the districts of Böblingen, Esslingen, Göppingen, Ludwigsburg and Rems-Murr as well as the state capital Stuttgart.

Regional organizations

A whole range of regional organizations work hand in hand to further strengthen the Stuttgart region as a location.
Find out about the partners' tasks and services here.