University and science region
Founded jointly by the regional universities, the Economic Development Region Stuttgart GmbH and the Stuttgart Region Association, the Association for University and Science Regions e.V. the perception of the Stuttgart region as a science location and improves the networking of scientific institutions.
The Stuttgart region is one of the strongest economic and technology locations in Europe. At home and abroad, people associate the Stuttgart region with innovative strength, inventiveness, creativity, commitment and reliable work performance. The region's universities and research institutions are extremely efficient and are characterized by outstanding offerings in teaching and research. However, there are still other options for establishing and intensifying collaboration between universities and research institutions. The scientific world is already well networked with prominent representatives of business, but the Stuttgart region also offers small and medium-sized companies a wide range of cooperation opportunities with teaching and scientific institutions.

The Club
The desire to strengthen cooperation between scientific and business institutions, as well as between science, ultimately led to the University and Science Region Stuttgart e. V. was founded. The initiative supports and initiates cooperation, networking and funding projects and creates new educational and further training offers. As part of networking and information events, the association supports the region in developing content in a focused manner and presenting it in a targeted manner. Together, the Stuttgart region will be strengthened as a university and science location - also in terms of national and international perception.