
Löchgau is located in the southern Stromberg foothills on a climatically favorable plateau. Early on, this place began to develop from a farming village to a commercially oriented community. Nevertheless, agriculture and especially viticulture still play a not entirely insignificant role today.

In order to do justice to the strong population development since 1961, the municipal administration has carried out extensive measures that have significantly improved Löchgau's infrastructure. In addition to a modern sports facility, there is also an outdoor swimming pool, tennis courts and a gliding sports area available for leisure purposes. Dog lovers can train their four-legged friends on a specially designed dog sports facility. There are also several kindergartens as well as primary and secondary schools on site.

The municipality sees the most important achievements of the municipality in recent years as the renovation of the town center, the village-friendly expansion of the western town thoroughfare, the construction of the community hall for cultural purposes and the construction of a modern sports hall. Furthermore, the primary and secondary schools were expanded and a new local library was added. The old half-timbered town hall from 1602 was lovingly renovated and is now one of Löchgau's architectural gems. The wall fortifications from the 16th century, some of which are still preserved, also bear witness to the long history of the place, whose origins probably go back to an Alemannic founding.

Infrastructure and facts


Train station (long-distance transport) Stuttgart 35 km
Airports Stuttgart 50 km
Port Heilbronn 20 km

educational institutions

Local elementary school
Secondary school in Besigheim (4km)
Secondary school on site
High school in Besigheim (4km)




Commercial property
Service Industry

Contact and contact person


Löchgau municipal administration
Str. 49
74369 Lochgau

Phone 0 71 43 / 27 09 - 0
Fax 0 71 43 / 27 09 - 99

Mail rathaus@loechgau.de

Contact Mayor

Mr Robert Feil
Telephone 07143 / 2709 - 10
Fax 07143 / 2709 - 99
Email feil@loechgau.de

Contact person for economic development agencies

Mr Robert Feil
Telephone 07143 / 2709 - 10
Fax 07143 / 2709 - 99
Email feil@loechgau.de

Contact person for tourism promoters

Mr Robert Feil
Telephone 07143 / 2709 - 10
Fax 07143 / 2709 - 99
Email feil@loechgau.de