Freiberg am Neckar

The city of Freiberg am Neckar is located around 20 kilometers north of Stuttgart in a charming landscape of meadows, gardens and forests.

Freiberg was formed in 1972 through the voluntary merger of the communities of Beihingen, Geisingen and Heutingsheim and has had city rights since 1982.

The convenient location is advantageous. The Pleidelsheim and Ludwigsburg-Nord junctions of the Stuttgart – Heilbronn federal motorway are only four kilometers away. Freiberg am Neckar is also an S-Bahn station on the Marbach – Stuttgart route.

In Freiberg there are mostly medium-sized and small industrial companies in various sectors that provide around 4.000 jobs. The following are manufactured and sold: software products, coffee/roasting machines, metal products, water treatment systems, wool, bakery and electronic products as well as prefabricated construction parts. The city currently has a total of 100 hectares of industrial and commercial space.

Freiberg owes its thousand-year history to a number of historical buildings, to which the modern city center, which was built in 1972, forms an interesting contrast with administration, service and leisure facilities, schools and shops.

Infrastructure and facts


Train station (long-distance transport) Stuttgart 23 km
Airports Stuttgart 35 km
Port Remseck/Neckargröningen 15 km

educational institutions

Local elementary school
Secondary school on site
Secondary school on site
Local high school




Commercial property
Service Industry

Contact and contact person


City administration of Freiberg am Neckar
Marktplatz 2
71691 Freiberg am Neckar

PO Box PO Box 11 44, 71687 Freiberg am Neckar

Phone 07141 278-0
Fax 07141 278-137


Contact mayor

Mr. Jan Hambach
Telephone 07141 / 278 - 126
Fax 07141 / 278 - 146

Contact person for economic development agencies

Ms. Ewin Özkan
Telephone 07141 / 278 - 105
Fax 07141/ 278-146

Contact person for tourism promoters

Ms. Ewin Özkan
Telephone 07141 / 278 - 105
Fax 07141/ 278-146