Exciting jobs in an attractive environment
The labor market in the Stuttgart region offers many opportunities: numerous technologically strong and efficient companies offer attractive jobs and development opportunities for qualified workers. The Labor market figures are regularly among the best in Europe.
Many companies are quality leaders in their segment and have high standards for products, processes and personnel. The employees' know-how and identification with the company are above average. Not only the well-known global companies, but also the renowned medium-sized companies and the many innovative hidden champions are active globally and often enable their employees to gain experience abroad, for example.

Specialists in technical, scientific and other knowledge-based areas in particular find outstanding professional opportunities in the Stuttgart region. Automobile- and Engineering, IT, Aerospace, life science, Environment- and Creative industries, as well as the Financial sector are important industries.
Many research institutions that cooperate closely with companies ensure a technological capacity that is unmatched in Europe. Numerous highly innovative companies have been founded in recent years in future sectors such as renewable energies or nanotechnology and biotechnology.

Living company values
When it comes to sustainable corporate management, the Stuttgart region, which is dominated by medium-sized businesses and family businesses, can look back on a long tradition. Satisfied employees identify with their company and are more willing to perform: local manufacturers knew this over 100 years ago. Outstanding founders and entrepreneurial personalities like Robert Bosch have used responsible entrepreneurship to shape their companies into social organisms whose value system is more relevant than ever.
So it's hardly surprising that many companies today are actively committed to their employees, for example with their own childcare options, home office regulations or flexible working time models.
Family-friendliness is particularly important in the Stuttgart region. The network of care facilities has become increasingly narrower in recent years and meets high standards. The diverse range of state, private and international schools covers every need.
Work-life balance in
a region worth living in
When asked about their satisfaction with their location, the residents of the Stuttgart region regularly rate it particularly positively when compared across Germany. There is no more credible assessment of the high quality of the location. The standard of living is in the top group in Germany.
The comprehensive cultural and educational offerings, the landscape characterized by vineyards and orchards and a wide range of leisure activities make life after work attractive. The diversity of the region offers something suitable for every lifestyle - from trendy city districts to family-friendly residential areas in the surrounding area.